ORCKA Basic Level 1- 2 – 3 – 4

Choose a 1 day, or 2 day course

Basic 1-2-3-4 – 2 DAY COURSE

BASIC 1-2-3-4 – 2 DAY COURSEFee – includes hst
April 27-28, 2024$510
June 2-3, 2024$510

Prerequisite: No prior canoe skills are required.
 Basic Level 1-2-3-4
Designed for ages 14+. This is two FULL days of skill building. No prior experience is necessary, however being physically fit will be an asset.
The first day will be spent in both the bow and stern of the canoe practicing tandem skills. Emphasis on standardized canoe manoeuvres in both the bow and stern. Developing the confidence in equipment knowledge, forward straight line, reverse, sideways, dock landing, safe canoeing practices, portaging, and canoe rescue scenarios.
The second day will be spent transferring tandem knowledge into solo skills, including self-rescue and rescue of others.
  *If participant have proven skills, it is possible to achieve Level 2 and/or Level 3 on Day One
 *If participant have proven skills, it is possible to achieve Level 4 in one FULL day

  • Accommodations is the responsibility of the participant

ORCKA Basic 1-2 or 3 (Tandem)

BASIC 1-2-3 (Tandem) – ONE DAY COURSE
Prerequisite: No prior canoe certifications are required
Fee includes hst
April 27, 2024$280
June 2, 2024$280
Basic Level 1-2-3 – tandem
Designed for ages 12+. This is a FULL day of skill building. No prior experience is necessary, however being physically fit will be an asset. The day will be spent in both the bow and stern of the canoe. Emphasis on standardized canoe manoeuvres in both the bow and stern. Developing the confidence in equipment knowledge, straight line forward, reverse, sideways, dock landing, safe canoeing practices, portaging, and canoe rescue scenarios such as self-rescue and canoe over canoe rescue. 
  *If participant has proven skills, it is possible to achieve Level 2 and/or Level 3 in one day.

ORCKA Basic Level 4 (Solo)

Prerequisite: Basic 1-2-3 or with permission
Fee – includes hst
April 28, 2024$310
June 3, 2024$310
Basic Level 4 – Solo
Designed for participants with ORCKA Basic Level 3 skills.
Discover all solo skills needed to successfully manoeuvre a canoe with ease. Emphasis on standardized canoe manoeuvres in the solo position: straight line forward, reverse, sideways, dock landing, solo paddling in a breeze, safe canoeing practices, portaging, and self-rescue.
*If participant has proven skills, it is possible to achieve Level 4 in one FULL day. It may however require more practice time to achieve all the skill componence of this level.

ORCKA Safe Canoeing Clinic

Safe Canoeing Clinic Fee – includes hst
May 30, 2024 (10am-1pm)$40

Family Oriented

No prerequisites and no age limit (under 8yrs old must be in guardian’s canoe)

Limited to 10 persons

Duration: 3 hours


  • Equipment – Lifejackets / Personal Flotation Devices, Paddles, Safety Equipment
  • Safe Canoeing Procedures
  • Canoe Rescues

Skills Demonstrated:

  • Launching and removing canoe
  • Entering and exiting canoe
  • Paddling positions
  • Balancing
  • Pivots
  • Sideward displacement
  • Forward straight line
  • Stopping
  • Landing
  • Lifts and carries

All Basic Courses:

Location:  Huntsville

Fee includes:  canoe, safety kit,  pfd and paddle

Accommodations will be the participant responsibility

Courses are limited to 10 participants per course


Basic 1 is a prerequisite for Canoe Tripping Level 1

Basic 1-2-3 is a prerequisite for River Running Level 1A

Basic 1-4 is a prerequisite for Day Trip Leader, Canoe Tripping Level 2, and Canadian Style Paddling Level 1

If you have any questions or you require further information go to Contact Us & send a message.

If you are ready to Register for a course, please go to the  Registration Form

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